Viszák is a small settlement in Őrség, hilly, beautiful, truly attractive to anyone who desires to hike or relax due to the hospitality of the locals and the proximity of nature. Our guesthouse is located in this village, on the outskirts, so you can truly feel how wonderful it is to wake up next to the forest! In Viszák, you will find Tündérkert, with lots of trees, a well-kept garden, and grassy meadows. Some apple, walnut, pear trees are over 100 years old.
The idea of the Cultural Barn in Viszák comes from Attila Kaszás, who, in the Zsigárd region of the Upper Lands, renovated his grandfather’s legacy to create a community center for the locals. We talked a lot about this with Attila. When he suddenly left us, I felt I owed it to him to do what we had planned in Viszák,” says József Szarvas.
So this Barn actually encompasses everything that the word culture itself does. Exhibitions, performances, programs take place here, in a colorful, high-quality manner. You can find information about current programs on the website www.kulturpajta.hu! Attila Kaszás’ Barn Theater Open Garden Gallery in Viszák awaits visitors all year round. Phone: 0694 426 322 or 0630 367 7718
The Tündérkert Movement aims to introduce and pass on the heritage of our ancestors to everyone, but at the same time, it wants to start a collection: the collection of our traditions. In this case, it’s about fruit trees, with fruit trees. The initiator of the movement and the connoisseur of orchards is Gyula Kovács from Pórszombat. Viszák’s Tündérkert is also the home of indigenous Hungarian fruit trees. In 2012, architecture students from the technical university built the star of Tündérkert around an old pear tree, which provides magical protection to the trees in the garden and shelter for those who come here. In 2013, next to Tündérkert in Viszák, a footbridge made of acacia wood, called “börü,” was erected, and in 2015, the oven chapel was completed, also thanks to the university students. This space now hosts traditional gatherings where tradition preservation, as formulated by József Szarvas, is the main theme, and, last but not least, communal cooking.
In February, whenever, the whole village organizes the wood-hauling event in Viszák. They cook and bake everything delicious beforehand, invite all relatives and non-relatives to make the celebration bigger, given that it’s a small village. Then they sit a boy and a girl who didn’t get married the previous year on a not-so-small log – which is about 10 meters long, has a giant diameter, and is placed on two axles – and pull it through the village. Of course, in their great empathy, the people of the village also try to support the happy couple, at least by dressing up in all sorts of costumes: there are plenty of nuns, priests, gypsies, children, jesters, joyous girls, and who knows who else! Then, in the square of the triad of the pub, the office, and the shop, they shout loudly and, amid solemn vows, marry them. So that the people of the village are not left out either, the elected leader of the year also ties together the foolish deeds of the previous year and, amid no small ovations, shouts them out. And then (and of course before and during), there is feasting and revelry until dawn.
„ több mint 70 éve főzünk a viszáki, és környékbeli gazdáknak pálinkát, a kuncsaftok legnagyobb megelégedésére” mondja ezt a Falu előljárója, Avas József, Polgármester, aki a Hivatal révén gyakorolja a Tulajdonosi jogokat.
In the center of the village, where else but next to the pub, the shop operates. I would say, it’s like a feast for the eyes and mouth, but that’s only partly true, but if something important was left out, then Tamás can surely help.
There’s even one of these in our tiny village! Of course, where else but in the village center.
Of course, there’s a pub here too. And its door opens onto the street! This year, a bit of the dust from the 70s has been wiped off, and its new owner, Bence, is there as long as there’s someone to pour beer, wine, or brandy for. It’s easy for him, he lives next door!
Thanks to Viszák’s fortunate location, it’s a great place to experience the phenomenon of deer rutting. Starting from the end of August to mid-September, when the first chill arrives after the summer heat, the mating season of deer begins. This is the famous deer rutting. It’s definitely worth sitting under our pergola once and enjoying the concert from the surrounding forests, counting how many stag roars you can hear. And as one of our dear guests said, “now that’s the sound of testosterone!
Located near Hegyhátszentjakab, Vadása Lake owes its existence to damming, like several other lakes in Őrség. The path around the lake allows for pleasant walks even in cooler weather. It’s a popular bathing and fishing spot.
Created in the late 1980s by damming the Hársas Creek, Hársas Lake is part of the Őrség National Park. It lies in a valley embraced by hills, a favorite destination for hiking and fishing. Leaving Máriaújfalut towards Farkasfa, you’ll find the elongated lake on the right. Parking lots are available at both ends, and you can walk along the gravel road running along the lakeshore. The path around the lake is about 2100 meters long. There’s a playground for children.
Northwest of the village, between Orfalu and Farkasfa, lies the Black Lake. It no longer has an open water surface today; it’s more of a marshland. According to a folk legend associated with the Black Lake, there used to be a church on its site. Once, a woman – arriving late for Christmas Mass – wished the ground would swallow her out of shame, and it happened. Since then, every Christmas at midnight, the sound of bells can be heard from the depths. It can only be visited with guided tours.
Northwest of the village, between Orfalu and Farkasfa, lies the Black Lake. It no longer has an open water surface today; it’s more of a marshland. According to a folk legend associated with the Black Lake, there used to be a church on its site. Once, a woman – arriving late for Christmas Mass – wished the ground would swallow her out of shame, and it happened. Since then, every Christmas at midnight, the sound of bells can be heard from the depths. It can only be visited with guided tours.
-Location of the Church of Saint Wenceslaus in Kercaszomor, Pusztatemető
-Church of Saint Peter, Őriszentpéter
-Romanesque Saint Trinity Church in Velemér with frescoes by János Aquila
-Reformed Church in Bajánsenye with a memorial plaque of György Nemesnépi Zakál
-Reformed Church in Szentgyörgyvölgy, the only painted wooden cassette church in the Transdanubian region
-Medieval Saint Martin Church, Domonkosfa
-Bell Tower, Pankasz
-Bell Tower, Kercaszomor
-Gödörháza Bell Tower
-Nemesnép Bell Tower
-Szikszai Edit Collection in Őriszentpéter: Exhibits tools of old farming and everyday life.
-Outdoor Ethnographic Museum: One of the main attractions of Őrség is the Pityerszer Skanzen (in Szalafő), where the settlement structure can be studied best.
-In Csörgőszer (a settlement in Szalafő), pumpkin seed oil is still pressed using traditional methods.
-Sindü Museum, the museum of Hungarian hieroglyphic writing and folk symbols.
On the Slovenian side
-Kapornak Heritage House
-Kapornaki tájház
Autumn is especially favorable for excursions, so it’s worth exploring the beauties of our country during this time! Őrség is one of the most popular hiking destinations because it hides numerous sights and natural treasures. If you’ve been wanting to visit Őrség for a long time, now is the opportunity to finally take the time to discover the landscape! The place offers so many sights and beauties to its visitors that it’s impossible to see everything in a day, so it’s better to plan for several days and stay in our Őrség guesthouse!
Őrség is one of the most unique landscapes in the country, and you’ll immediately see and feel its beauty and charm when you come here! The region, filled with hills and forests, is protected by the Őrség National Park, and thanks to them, we have more and more hiking trails and nature trails. However, perhaps the most attractive aspect of this region is that you can hike through untouched meadows and vast forests and become part of nature yourself.
Autumn is especially favorable for excursions, so it’s worth exploring the beauties of our country during this time! Őrség is one of the most popular hiking destinations because it hides numerous sights and natural treasures. If you’ve been wanting to visit Őrség for a long time, now is the opportunity to finally take the time to discover the landscape! The place offers so many sights and beauties to its visitors that it’s impossible to see everything in a day, so it’s better to plan for several days and stay in our Őrség guesthouse!
Őrség is one of the most unique landscapes in the country, and you’ll immediately see and feel its beauty and charm when you come here! The region, filled with hills and forests, is protected by the Őrség National Park, and thanks to them, we have more and more hiking trails and nature trails. However, perhaps the most attractive aspect of this region is that you can hike through untouched meadows and vast forests and become part of nature yourself.
Just a stone’s throw away from our guesthouse (5 km) is Vadása Lake, which is great for swimming in the summer and for long walks and shorter hikes the rest of the year. It’s located in a beautiful environment, bordered by nature trails, and you’ll see, you’ll love it! Starting from here, it’s worth exploring the moss-covered marsh meadows of Szőce, which belong to our national park’s highly protected areas, offering extraordinary sights! And if you’re a fan of water, besides Vadása Lake, there are two more natural lakes nearby: Borostyán Lake in Zalalövő and Hársas Lake in Máriaújfaluban. You can swim in all of them in the summer, and some anglers also like to visit these lakes, but they are also perfect for a hike!
If you want to explore authentic Őrség villages, take your route through Kisrákos, Pankasz, Nagyrákos, Őriszentpéter, and Szalafő! Here, going from hill to hill on carts, you can see the beautiful villages and all their attractions in the beautiful surroundings. In Nagyrákos, the folk house hosts the Völgyhídi Fair held every July, and a sophisticated playground awaits children.
When you arrive in Őriszentpéter, you’ll see that it’s a bit larger than the others, and for good reason. Since 2005, it has been the capital of Őrség and truly the center of everything, events, and the region. Here you’ll also find the Visitor Center of the Őrség National Park, where they not only provide extensive information about the flora and fauna but also offer appropriate programs and route plans. You can visit a local history exhibition at the town’s cultural center, buy handmade gifts at open houses, or see the work of master craftsmen. The well-known Árpád-era Saint Peter Church is located in the church settlement, and below it is a medieval brick kiln.
Definitely don’t miss Szalafő when you’re in Őrség! Here in Pityerszer, you can see and get to know the typical Őrség architecture best; the folk monument complex is located here. Recently, wild horses and bison have been resettled here, and for children, there’s an indoor-outdoor playground, and a small local shop where you can buy souvenirs! If you’re in Szalafő, you must try pumpkin seed oil, in abundance! But besides pumpkin seed oil, you can also buy many other special oils, and you can even press them yourself at open houses! The Kömpe-Szeme lookout tower has recently been completed, and when you look at the landscape from here, you’ll immediately plan when you can come back.
Continuing in this direction, you’ll reach Vendvidék, where you’re close to the Slovenian border. The landscape is beautiful, and whether by bike or on foot, it’s worth wandering around here, as the many forests and meadows will enrich you with unforgettable experiences! It’s also worth taking a trip to Austria through Szentgotthárd; among the nearby villages, Güssing is a special sight with its fairytale-like Batthyány Castle on top of the volcano.
We’ve guided you westward so far, but if you turn south from Őriszentpéter, you’ll still arrive in a good place! Bajánsenye is the birthplace of Nemes-Népi Zakál György, who wrote one of the most authentic descriptions of Őrség: “Description of Őrség such as: Its Nature, History, Its Inhabitants and Their Customs, Language Customs, Collected Together” in the year 1818. Magyarszombatfa is famous for its potters, almost every other family engages in this, but each is a little different.
We’ve guided you westward so far, but if you turn south from Őriszentpéter, you’ll still arrive in a good place! Bajánsenye is the birthplace of Nemes-Népi Zakál György, who wrote one of the most authentic descriptions of Őrség: “Description of Őrség such as: Its Nature, History, Its Inhabitants and Their Customs, Language Customs, Collected Together” in the year 1818. Magyarszombatfa is famous for its potters, almost every other family engages in this, but each is a little different.
For those who long to bathe, there are several options nearby to pamper themselves in thermal pools, and you can also find adventure baths. The nearest ones are in Lenti, Szentgotthárd, and Körmend. Feel free to visit restaurants and cafés; they are generally well-prepared to welcome those craving authentic Őrség flavors. You must try dishes like dödölle (potato dumplings), game stew, buckwheat dishes, and mushroom strudel. And if you’re not driving anymore, you must seek out real Őrség pálinka! One thing’s for sure, if you’re a nature lover, your love for it will deepen even more here!